The Environmental Defenders Office (Tasmania) (EDO Tasmania) is part of a national network of community legal centres providing free advice and information regarding environmental and planning laws. In December 2013, federal funding we have relied upon since 1996 was cut without warning. These cuts threaten the ongoing operation of EDO Tasmania and may mean that this valuable service is not available in future to help communities to protect the places that they love. So, why does Tasmania need an EDO?
Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area Management Plan
Macquarie Island
Back in May 2007, an article entitled ‘World Heritage Embarrassment’ was published in the Tasmanian Conservationist (#311), highlighting the stand-off by the Tasmanian Government on funding for a program to remove rabbits, rats and mice from Macquarie Island and its credibility on nature conservation in one of the most important reserves in Australia.
Wellington Park – removal of veto
The Tasmanian Liberals, with the support of the Labor Party, passed legislation through the lower house of the State Parliament on 16 October to remove the veto that the Wellington Park Management Trust has, but has never used, over development proposals for Mt Wellington. The Legislative Council has also now passed this bill. We congratulate Rob Valentine as the only Legislative Councillor to vote against removing the veto.
Three Capes Track
In case the new Coalition government is interested in providing additional financial support to the Three Capes Track (as requested last month by state Minister for Environment, Parks and Heritage Brian Wightman) it should consider the report bySyneca Consulting, Economic Impact Analysis for Three Capes Track, Tasman National Park – Revisited 2012. Syneca also did a narrower economic analysis in 2008.
2012 Tasmanian Bushfires Inquiry
The Tasmanian Bushfires Inquiry was released in early October and briefly enlivened the public debate about bushfire management and, in particular, fuel-reduction burning. Sadly, the debate has quickly died down and there is little pressure on the state government to show leadership to improve bushfire management.
State of the State Coastal Policy
In July 2013, the Tasmanian government released for public comment a draft State Coastal Policy Statement. This is the first product in the development of the anticipated ‘Coastal Protection and Planning Framework’ intended to replace the State Coastal Policy 1996. Significantly, the draft statement aims to settle overarching principles of coastal management, rather than provide any detail regarding implementation or on-ground work – such detail has been deferred to ‘Phase 2’.
Parks and Reserves Authority
In October 2013 the state government introduced legislation to establish a Parks and Reserves Authority to manage the public reserve estate – which is currently 38% of Tasmania’s land area and expected to be increased to more than 45% of the land and 5.75 % of the state-controlled marine environment. By the time you read this article we are confident that the legislation will have passed the lower house of the Parliament; the Legislative Council should complete its deliberations before the end of the year.
Pulp mill permit may be declared invalid - buyers be aware
Forestry Tasmania’s FSC application
Winners and losers in a Tasmanian suburb
Several related wildlife themes have surfaced in the recent past: ways in which our cities and suburbs turn some animal species into winners or losers (Low 2002); a trend for some species to adapt to habitat or landscape-scale changes (TPC 2010) and how landowners might best manage the major problem of browser impacts (Greening Australia 2003). Are we creating winners and losers by appropriating wildlife habitat? What is the current position? The Hobart suburb of Fern Tree may be an instructive example here.
Copping C-cell
During the federal election the proponent of the Copping hazardous waste landfill facility (or C-cell), Southern Waste Solutions (SWS), tried unsuccessfully to obtain a funding commitment from the major political parties. On 2 August 2013 the Southern Tasmanian Councils Association released its ‘2013 Federal Election Manifesto’, which includes a request for a commitment to providing $9 million for construction of the proposed Copping C-cell.