Indian Myna — Tasmanian Conservation Trust

Indian Myna

Indian mynas are a serious pest in Tasmania does not currently Australia and are considered one of. of the world's 100 worst in invasive species.

Indian mynas are highly invasive birds that can  rapidly colonise new areas. First (incursions to prevent 1860s, mynas are now found along the east coast of Australia from Victoria to Queensland.

Indian mynas are highly aggressive and pose a. threat to wildlife, particularly birds, by competing for food and nesting resources. They can also damage horticultural and cereal crops spread weeds and be a public nuisance by nesting in building cavities, causing noise at roosting sites, swooping people and transmitting bird mites. Indian mynas have been identified as an extreme threat to most Australian states.

Prompt action is vital

Indian mynas are now well established in eastern Australia and continue to spread throughout the country. Tasmania does not currently have an established population of Indian mynas. Since 2004: there have been six confirmed Incursions of Indian mynas reported in Tasmania. In each case, DPIPWE has responded and successfully removed the birds.

What can we do?

The Invasive Species Branch (ISB) will respond to Indian myna incursions to prevent establishment of this invasive species in Tasmania. The Tasmanian public should be on high alert for this species and report all sightings. Early detection to allow rapid response to incursions is vital.

What to look for

  • Key identifying features
  • Chocolate-brown body
  • Black hood over head
  • White lines on the wing.that appear as large white patches in flight

Indian mynas are around 25 cm long, 15 cm tall and have a wing- span of up to 14 cm. They have chocolate-brown bodies, a black head, and white patches on their wings that are obvious when in flight. Indian mynas have yellow skin behind and below the eye. Indian mynas will often scavenge on the ground and have a jaunty, strutting walk.

Mistaken identity

The Tasmanian native noisy miner Manorina melanocephala can be mistaken for the Indian myna. The noisy miner has a grey body (rather than brown) and it has no white in the wing.

The noisy miner has a black stripe on the head and a much smaller yellow patch behind the eye (not extending below it). When on the ground, noisy miners hop rather than walk.